Family planning and MS

Scientific meeting and BSGMS General Assembly

Saturday June 3rd, 2023

Face-to-face meeting – Faculty Club in Leuven (9am-4pm)


o   Morning session (9am – 1pm): keynote lectures

  • Welcome & introduction : prof. B.Dubois, dr. D.Dive, dr. B. Willekens
  • prof. Sandra Vukusic, Lyon (France), The French experience on MS treatment during and after pregnancy
  • prof. Kerstin Hellwig, Bochum (Germany), The German experience on pregnancy planning and breastfeeding
  • prof. Vincent Seutin, Liège, Placenta physiology and drug transfer during pregnancy
  • dr. David Palling & Ms Daisy Cam, Sheffield (UK), The Sheffield experience of pregnancy planning in MS

o   General Assembly (*) & Lunch (1:00pm – 2:00pm)

o   Afternoon Workshops (2:00pm – 3:30pm):

  • The viewpoint of the psychologist and the obstetrician
  • The importance of patient information for family planning
  • Introduction to Delphi methodology for development of consensus guidelines

o   Closing remarks (3:30pm – 4:00pm):

    (*) General Assembly – 1:00 pm- 1:15 pm:

    1. Approval of the minutes of the General Assembly of 9 August 2022
    2. Approval of the accounts for the year 2022
    3. Discharge of the directors
    4. Approval of the 2023 budget
    Registration is mandatory – RSVP before May 26, 2023

    Registration free for BSGMS members, neurology residents and MS nurses
    Other: Registration fee is € 60,-

    Accreditation has been requested